
I am just your ordinary fellow from Alabama, with too many hobbies for his own good. I brew beer, repair old watches, do some light re-enactment, and I occasionally write too. Recently I moved to Switzerland to be with my wife. We were married on 24/05/2012. I will use this page to keep track of my publication credits, and update things as I go along.

Venashara: Heart of the Dwarves. Iuniverse, Nov 28 2005.

Short Stories

"8th and Pine," The Writer's Drawer Anthology: A Certain Kind of Freedom. Beryl Belsky. Nov 21 2013.

"Black Pavement," The Writer's Drawer website.

"Escape," Realms of Torment. Game Lore, Neurosoft inc. Dec 2006.

"Only Fiction," The Writer's Drawer website.

"Only in Dreams," The Writer's Drawer website.

"The Rowboat,"The Writer's Drawer Anthology Volume 2: According to Adam. Beryl Berlsky. Dec 11 2014.

"The One that Got away," The Writer's Drawer website.

 "White Lily," The Writer's Drawer website.


"Final Home," The Writer's Drawer website.

Time and Love. Eber and Wein, April 2011.